Kamon: Japanese Fantasy RPG Setting Book Up On Kickstarter
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Kamon: Japanese Fantasy RPG Setting Book Up On Kickstarter

Japanese folklore is filled with fantastic creatures, mythical spirits, and larger-than-life characters. And soon, you can join in with Kamon, a Japanese Fantasy setting book for D&D that’s up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: The project was born in 2018 by an Italian author, Fabio Attoli (Pendragon Game Studio, Stratelibri, Origami Edizioni), inspired by…

Griffon’s Saddlebag Book 2 RPG Magic Item Compendium Up On Kickstarter
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Griffon’s Saddlebag Book 2 RPG Magic Item Compendium Up On Kickstarter

I mean, sure, you can just give your party a +1 sword and a Cloak of Protection, but everyone’s got those. What if you want something more exotic and different? That’s when you reach into the Griffon’s Saddlebag. And Book 2 of this series is up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: The Griffon’s Saddlebag…

Pericle: Gathering Darkness RPG Up On Kickstarter
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Pericle: Gathering Darkness RPG Up On Kickstarter

Long Dog Games is running a Kickstarter campaign for Pericle: Gathering Darkness, their new tabletop RPG. But unlike other RPGs, this one is app-driven, giving you more options and excitement as you play. From the campaign: Pericle: Gathering Darkness is an app-driven tabletop role-playing game for 1-4 players that combines exciting dice-based combat with a…

Vampire: The Masquerade: Second Inqusition PDF Now Available
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Vampire: The Masquerade: Second Inqusition PDF Now Available

Noooobody expects the Second Inquisition! Ok, you know I had to make that reference. But really, the new sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade, is now available as a pdf from Renegade Game Studios. Head over and download your copy now. From the website: Greetings kindred! Today we’re happy to launch the early release of the…

Cults of the Blood Gods Sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade Available to Pre-order
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Cults of the Blood Gods Sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade Available to Pre-order

Blood for the Blood God! Wait… that’s the wrong universe. Though Blood Gods are certainly included in Vampire: The Masquerade. Cults of the Blood Gods is the next sourcebook coming out for the game from Renegade Game Studios. You can get your pre-order in now, along with a bonus pdf version. From the website: For…

Eldermancy RPG Setting and Adventured Up On Kickstarter
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Eldermancy RPG Setting and Adventured Up On Kickstarter

20 weeks. That’s how long the islands are from complete devastation. Can they be saved? That’s up to your players to find out in Sunken Isles, a new setting guide and adventure for 5th edition D&D that’s up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: Since Manaki and its cultures don’t customarily use gold when trading,…

The Shadow of the Sorcerer Adventure for Conan RPG Available to Pre-Order
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The Shadow of the Sorcerer Adventure for Conan RPG Available to Pre-Order

If you’re looking for a truly epic campaign to match the truly epic setting and characters in your Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of, then you’ll want to get your name down on the list to get The Shadow of the Sorcerer. It’s a new adventure coming for the game and it’s got quite…