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Plaid Hat Games Previews Forgotten Waters App

Promotional image for "Forgotten Waters," an app by Plaid Hat Games, featuring vibrant ocean waves and a pirate character reaching out with a glowing orb in hand. Text on image reads: "Forgotten Waters. Coming Soon!

Forgotten Waters, the upcoming storybook game from Plaid Hat Games, has an app that goes along with it. But how will it integrate with the gameplay? Is it require? What can you expect from it? You’ve obviously got questions and Plaid Hat Games has answers. They’ve posted up a little factoid about what you will be getting with the game’s app.

From the post:

As we’ve been talking to people about Forgotten Waters, we’ve had a lot of questions about the app. My name is Joe Ellis – I’m a co-designer of Forgotten Waters along with Isaac Vega and Mr. Bistro, and I’ve been working for Plaid Hat Games since 2012, full-time since 2015. I built the app, so I’m here to provide answers.
