Podcast Radio

Podcast Radio

And we’ve made it to Tuesday. If you’re in the USA, such as myself, Happy 4th of July! As for everyone else, I still hope you’re having a happy Tuesday. Currently in Atlanta, Mother Nature is setting off her own brand of fireworks with the storms rolling through. My power’s gone out (briefly) twice so…

Podcast Radio

Podcast Radio

It’s… Tuesday… Yes… Tuesday… Right? Sorry. My mind is beyond in a fog. Business is at the extreme. Oh… and a tree fell over and hit my building over the weekend. Thankfully, not my apartment specifically… but the one just above it. That was… interesting. But yeah, as I swim neck-deep through all this work,…

Podcast Radio

Podcast Radio

And we’re into Tuesday. How’s your week going so far? Mine’s… going… Stacking up to be an extremely busy end of June and into July, but waddyagonnado? At least, while I’m doing all this work, I can listen to some gaming podcasts as I go. This week on the dial we have: Game Classy Episode…

Podcast Radio

Podcast Radio

… It’s already Tuesday. I would love to know what it is about my sense of time that has gone so wonky. Some days flash by in an instant. Others absolutely never end. I realize that it’s always kinda been like that, but it’s been more extremely lately, it seems… Oh well… Seeing as it…

Podcast Radio

Podcast Radio

Already to Tuesday? Man… another week and I’m a day behind to begin with. I don’t know what’s up with my brain lately. Maybe I’ve been playing Where Is My Mind too much? (that honestly can’t happen, but still) Well, lemme put on some gaming podcasts for a bit instead and see what happens. This…

Podcast Radio

Podcast Radio

Ah, Tuesday. We’re just getting into the middle of… *looks at calendar* … Oh… It’s… Wednesday… What The Heck Happened to Tuesday!?!? Man, ok, sure, I had Monday off, but to just fly by through Tuesday? I knew I was feeling a bit under-the-weather, but I apparently just sleepwalked my way through the day. Ah…

Podcast Radio

Podcast Radio

Running a little late today because I got those famous words at work. “They changed the launch date.” Fun, fun, fun. But that’s as may be. Over here, it’s time to get you some gaming podcasts to listen to. I needed time to slow down, but these can help your week hopefully speed up a…

Podcast Radio

Podcast Radio

Already Tuesday? Whoof. Ok, today’s going by quick. Part of that is because I’ve been busy AF with stuff. But, hey, I’m getting things done and that weekend is all that much closer. So, win-win, right? And to help it continue along, let’s listen in on some gaming podcasts. This week on the dial we…

Podcast Radio

Podcast Radio

Ok, things are getting ridiculous. Yesterday, my left ear was clogged all day. I spent a lot of time trying to get it clear, which mostly just ended up giving me a headache and dizziness. But, I eventually got it. Just… what is up lately? Thankfully, it’s nothing huge, but there’s been about a dozen…

Podcast Radio

Podcast Radio

Tuesday. We’re into the real meat of the work week. I hope your Monday went by smoothly. Mine was pretty good. We’ve swapped our Build & Paint night back to Monday from Wednesday, so I spent a pleasant evening at the LGS. Now, I’m ready to get this mid-week going and on to the weekend,…