Plaid Hat Games Explains Symbols in Summoner Wars
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Plaid Hat Games Explains Symbols in Summoner Wars

“Hey, have you any idea what these strange symbols are?” “I think they’re just strange symbols of some kind.” We’ve been getting a lot of previews for the upcoming Summoner Wars 2nd edition. Eagle-eyed gamers might have seen various symbols on the cards that haven’t been fully explained yet. Well, in this preview, we get…

Paizo Announces Final Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Society Adventure
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Paizo Announces Final Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Society Adventure

The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game has been winding down for a little bit over at Paizo. But just like FFG is finishing up the Legend of the Five Rings game with a big splash, so will Paizo. They’ll be running special events at their upcoming PaizoCon for the end of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society….

Plaid Hat Games Announces Summoner Wars 2nd Edition
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Plaid Hat Games Announces Summoner Wars 2nd Edition

Not content with just bringing Ashes Reborn back to your tabletops, Plaid Hat Games has announced their next card game return. This time, it’s Summoner Wars. They’re working on a 2nd edition of the game now. From the announcement: You’ve heard the rumors, because we started them, and yes it’s true. Summoner Wars is BACK…

Legend of the Five Rings LCG Coming to an End
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Legend of the Five Rings LCG Coming to an End

Fantasy Flight Games has announced that the run of making the Legend of the Five Rings card game is coming to an end. This latest chapter in the game’s long saga will end with one last deluxe release in the coming months. From the article: In the fall of 2015, Fantasy Flight Games first announced…

Renegade Game Studios Announces Aggretsuko Work/Rage Balance Card Game

Renegade Game Studios Announces Aggretsuko Work/Rage Balance Card Game

Who you are at the office very much might not be who you are at home. We all have hobbies that help us get by that others might find strange. Retsuko has her death metal, for example. Balancing your work/home life is the name of the game in the upcoming Aggretsuko Work/Rage Balance card game…

Renegade Game Studios Announces Power Rangers Deck-Building Game

Renegade Game Studios Announces Power Rangers Deck-Building Game

No matter what, when a Power Rangers story comes up, all I hear are absolutely shredding guitars. Anyway, the reason I’ve got wicked runs and solos going through my head this time is because Renegade Game Studios has announced that they’re working on a new Power Rangers Deck-Building Game. From the announcement: We’re thrilled to…

Calliope Games Announces Game Night Extravaganza Kickstarter
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Calliope Games Announces Game Night Extravaganza Kickstarter

It’s 3! 3! 3 Kickstarters in 1! That’s what Calliope will be bringing to Kickstarter next week with their Game Night Extravaganza. Longtime readers know my love of games you can just throw in your gaming backpack and take anywhere. That’s what you’re getting here with these three games. From the announcement: Calliope Games is…

Fantasy Flight Launches Play and Share Campaign
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Fantasy Flight Launches Play and Share Campaign

Let’s face it. Except for possibly, “finally sit down and paint some minis,” most of our gaming goals for the year have gone soaring out the window as the quarantine continues on. Fantasy Flight Games is looking to help, though, by creating a place for people to gather and talk about games, which is something…