Four Corners Board Game Up On Kickstarter
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Four Corners Board Game Up On Kickstarter

Longtime readers know puzzle games are some of my favorite and Calliope Games has a new one up on Kickstarter. It’s called Four Corners and it involves placing and twisting tiles in order to create a pattern before your opponents can. From the campaign: Four Corners is a living puzzle! Secret goals and ever-changing strategies…

Calliope Games Announces Game Night Extravaganza Kickstarter
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Calliope Games Announces Game Night Extravaganza Kickstarter

It’s 3! 3! 3 Kickstarters in 1! That’s what Calliope will be bringing to Kickstarter next week with their Game Night Extravaganza. Longtime readers know my love of games you can just throw in your gaming backpack and take anywhere. That’s what you’re getting here with these three games. From the announcement: Calliope Games is…

Tsuro: Rising Phoenix Up On Kickstarter
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Tsuro: Rising Phoenix Up On Kickstarter

I really enjoy Tsuro from Calliope Games. It’s that type of abstract strategy game that I just adore. Well, a new version is up on Kickstarter now in honor of Calliope’s 10th Anniversary. It’s Tsuro: Rising Phoenix, and it adds in new concepts like diagonal movement, a molded board, and the ability to rise again…