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Paizo Announces Final Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Society Adventure

Logo of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society, crafted in a bold, medieval-style font. The text gleams gold on a red background, with Paizo's iconic decorative emblem on the left.

The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game has been winding down for a little bit over at Paizo. But just like FFG is finishing up the Legend of the Five Rings game with a big splash, so will Paizo. They’ll be running special events at their upcoming PaizoCon for the end of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society.

From the article:

As we continue winding down our Pathfinder Adventure Card Game program, we’ve decided to end it with a bang! At this year’s PaizoCon Online, we will be hosting a final Pathfinder Adventure Card Society Celebration Bonanza. The event is scheduled for 1pm PDT on Sunday, May 30, 2021. Come join us for some card flipping, location exploring action!

The bonanza will be the last published Society adventure for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. From May, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society will join the Pathfinder Society (first edition) as a legacy program still available for convention support, but for which we will no longer produce new content. All scenarios will remain available for play and we will publish one last Guide to Organized Play: Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Game in early May which will include blog items such as adventure packs as well as a few rules revisions. Players may still report games on paizo.com and tables of Pathfinder Adventure Card Society will still count towards table limits for convention support.
