Trickdraw Card Game Up On Kickstarter
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Trickdraw Card Game Up On Kickstarter

Hey there, hombre. There ain’t room enough in this town for the both of us. So’s, I’m a-thinkin’ we settle this at noon out in the street. That’s where you find yourself in Trickdraw, a new quick-draw card game that’s up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: The campaign’s up and over its funding goal…

AEG Summer Sale Happening Now
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AEG Summer Sale Happening Now

Summer’s almost here in the northern hemisphere. High temperatures. Blazing sun. Bugs. … … Sounds like a perfect time to stay inside where it’s cool and play some board games. And that’s just what AEG’s making easier for you with their Summer Sale happening now. From the announcement: Summertime means friends and game nights! Enjoy…

Future Me Problems Card Game Up On Mattel Creations

Future Me Problems Card Game Up On Mattel Creations

I love a lot of webcomics. One of my favorites is Sarah’s Scribbles. Her take on life is just amazing and makes me laugh every time. Soon, you’ll be able to share in her struggles with Future Me Problems, a new card game that’s up on Mattel Creations now. From the campaign: The campaign is…

Open Relationships Party Game Up On Kickstarter
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Open Relationships Party Game Up On Kickstarter

Can you find common ground between two seemingly entirely unrelated things? If so, then you’re going to be great at Open Relationships, a new party card game that’s up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: Hello! We’re Evan and Josh, lifelong quirky board gamers and general mischief makers. Hilarious Venn diagrams are peak internet. Connecting…

Quatermain Deck-Building Game Up On Kickstarter
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Quatermain Deck-Building Game Up On Kickstarter

Allan Quatermain, adventurer, explorer, and your guide to the world of Quatermain, a new deck-building adventure game that’s up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: A Deck-building Adventure Game for 2-4 Players | Ages 14+ | 60-75 Minutes Travel back in time to the late 1800’s and unexplored Africa. Since he first appeared in King…

The Big Shuffle Film Noir Card Game Up On Kickstarter
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The Big Shuffle Film Noir Card Game Up On Kickstarter

The city is a dangerous place. Everyone has their own goals and doesn’t give a flip about anyone else. That’s where you come in. You’re trying to make your own space against the uncaring world in The Big Shuffle, a new film noir card game that’s up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: The Big…

Renegade Game Studios Announces Transformers Deck-Building Game

Renegade Game Studios Announces Transformers Deck-Building Game

<whoop! whoop! whoop!> Giant robot alert! We have giant robot alert… hey… wait… those aren’t giant robots. They’re trucks and cars and tape decks and *they transform* Oh! They were giant robots… in Disguise! Ok, cheesy introduction aside, Renegade Game Studios has announced they’re making a Transformers Deck-Building Game. From the website: The Autobots are brave robot…

Plaid Hat Previews New Units for The Fallen Kingdom Deck
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Plaid Hat Previews New Units for The Fallen Kingdom Deck

A champion and a common unit are what’s on deck for this deck preview for Summoner Wars. Check out two of The Fallen Kingdom’s fighting forces. From the article: Welcome back summoners! The Fallen Kingdom is back with another round of units, each benefitting from the destruction of units nearby. Dragos is a high damage…