Games Workshop Looks at the Land of the Undead in this Old World Development Diary

Players are excited to know anything that they can find out about the upcoming Warhammer: Old World game. In this development diary entry, we get a look at some of what’s going on in the world of the undead, specifically the Tomb Kings.
From the article:
Rob, the Design Manager for Warhammer: the Old World, and writers Jonathan and Dan reveal some of the macabre details of the Land of the Dead and its tyrannical monarch.
Warhammer Community: After the excitement of the previous Old World Development Diary, it’s fair to say that fans of the Old World have been champing at the bit for more. What have you got for us this time, guys?
Rob: In our previous article, we looked at the very heart of the Old World, the Empire of Man. What we found was a realm both familiar to fans of Warhammer – but also subtly different, not the unified nation you might remember from Warhammer Fantasy Battle.