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Vampire Fledglings Available to Pre-order for The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms

Miniature figurines of three warriors in dynamic poses, inspired by The Elder Scrolls' Call to Arms game, each wielding weapons. They are flanked by armored wolf-like creatures on circular bases, all set against a neutral backdrop.

Earlier, we had the Dawnguard, who protected the world of the living from the undead. But what undead? Well, these Vampire Fledglings, for example. This new pack for The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms is available to pre-order from Modiphius now.

From the website:

The forces of Clan Volkihar grow. Three aspiring children of Sithis, the VAMPIRE FLEDGLINGS do their master’s bidding, hoping to gain status and power within the Clan. Fearsome mockeries of normal dogs, the terrifying DEATH HOUNDS use their decaying muscles to run down their master’s enemies, ending them with chilling bites.

For use with The Elder Scrolls: A Call to Arms Miniatures Core Rules and Chapter 3 Card Pack (expected early 2023). Expand your game with other Starter and Expansion Sets also available now.
