Lords of Vegas: Americana Expansion Up On Kickstarter

Via Las Vegas! It’s the city of Sin. It’s where you can go in broke and leave a millionaire, but more likely, it’ll be the other way around. But can you handle the high-stakes world of being a casino magnate? That’s up to you to decide in Lords of Vegas. There’s a new edition of the game supporting up to 6 players and with updated artwork up on Kickstarter. Along with it, there’s the massive Americana expansion to go along with it.
From the campaign:
Lords of Vegas is a clever strategy game with all the thrills, risks, and rewards of casino magnates, now on Kickstarter with an updated 6-player edition of the base set, the brand-new Americana expansion, and classic upgrades and expansions.
- The Lords of Vegas 6-player base set is a new printing of the classic board game, expanded to support 2-6 players and including modernized graphic designs, plus all of the components from the Up! expansion.
- The Americana expansion comes with four new famous American casino cities to play in, each with its own unique rules and twists: Reno, Tombstone, Atlantic City, and New Orleans. (Stretch goals may add more ways to play!)
- For fans who want the complete Lords of Vegas experience, prior expansions and upgrades are available as add-ons!
The campaign’s about 4/5 of the way to its goal with 17 days left to go.