Modiphius Announces Organized Play And New Releases For Vampire: The Masquerade

Listening to Type O Negative while typing this seems rather appropriate. Anyway, one of the things about Vampire: The Masquerade is that they have a worldwide network of games that people will join in with. Sure, other games do this sort of thing as well, but it’s sort of one of the things V:TM is known for. And Modiphius is making sure that the newest edition continues that legacy. They’re signing up people now for their Organized Play system. They’ve also teased some new releases that you can look forward to.
From the announcement:
Modiphius is now signing up Storytellers for the official Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition Organised Play campaign. Following the launch at Gencon last year V5 has been growing incredibly fast worldwide and we’d love you to be part of the exciting chronicles we’ve got planned.
Organised Play for V5 is going to be a global event and we’ll be co-ordinating with our partners everywhere to bring you a series of fantastic free Chronicles tailor made for use at conventions, store events and in your own groups. We also want you to have your say in how it evolves too. So if you would like to get Chronicles in advances of release, help introduce the game to new players, grow the community and a chance to provide your feedback please sign up here:
If you’d to be involved in on-going development of new V5 content please sign up for our playtest team for V5 and include in the comments that you’re interested in V5. We’d expect you to have a regular group playing V5 so we can give you certain content to try out as needed and give us feedback.
The Fall of London is in development right now. This will be the first official Chronicle for Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition and it’s being produced by Modiphius Entertainment.
“London is burning. As the Second Inquisition put the city’s Kindred to the torch, your characters wake from torpor. The sensible thing would be to flee now, but before you can leave the capital, you have one last job to do…”
This campaign is perfect to bring your Vampire players up to speed on the plot developments in Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition or as as a gateway for new players.
Lead Development of this project is in the capable hands of none other than Steffie De Vaan! Her team of writers includes a mix of industry veterans and rising stars, including a few actual Londoners for good measure!
Coming on its heels is the Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition Players Guide. An essential guide containing additional information on Clans, Disciplines, new tools plus some excellent playing advice and alternative ways to play. And finally, an overview of all 13 Kindred clans in one place! Find out everything you needed to know to play your best V5 game yet.
Last but not least, we’re working on the Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition Starter Set which is aimed at your friends who want to get started as Storytellers. It’s the perfect choice for those wanting to dip their fingers in to the Masquerade without purchasing the core book. The Starter Set box will contain an abridged rulebook, a starter chronicle that will teach you to run and play the game as you go, dice, pre-generated characters: everything you need to get your first V5 Chronicle on the way!
Organized Play Signups