Corvus Belli Previews The Hungries for Infinity
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Corvus Belli Previews The Hungries for Infinity

The Hungries. No, it’s not what people call me around mealtime (though it would be appropriate). They’re new figures coming for Infinity. Get a look at them in this preview from Corvus Belli. From the article: The Hungries are light combat operatives, representatives of some bastard race the EI found in on a long-forgotten planet….

Corvus Belli Previews Knight of Montesa For Infinity
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Corvus Belli Previews Knight of Montesa For Infinity

Corvus Belli is taking pre-orders for their Military Orders box set for Infinity. If you go and get your name on that pre-order list, you will also get exclusive minis. What exclusive minis? Glad you asked. Have yourselves a look-see. From the article: This exclusive box includes 2 miniatures: 1 mounted Knight of Montesa with…

Corvus Belli Looks Inside the Military Orders for Infinity
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Corvus Belli Looks Inside the Military Orders for Infinity

Corvus Belli has just started taking pre-orders for their new Military Orders for Infinity. These armed segments of the church have been in development for a bit. In this article, Corvus Belli gives us a look into how they came about and the issues trying to get them to your tabletops. From the article: Military…

Fat Yuan Yuan Holiday Edition Coming In December
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Fat Yuan Yuan Holiday Edition Coming In December

Every year, people all over the world eagerly await the arrival of the jolly, fat, bearded guy with the red suit, and alternative mode of transportation. I’m talking about Fat Yuan Yuan, of course. And this year, he’s keeping your toesels warm with a set of socks along with his special edition miniature for Infinity….

Infinity RPG Card Decks Coming This Week From Modiphius
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Infinity RPG Card Decks Coming This Week From Modiphius

So, later this week is a holiday for us here in the US. I’ll be taking some time off, so it’s actually really helpful that Modiphius is letting us know about some releases they’ll be having on the 4th. Lets me still tell you about it, while I’ll be BBQing and making things explode. Anyway,…

Corvus Belli Previews New Infinity Campaign Rules
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Corvus Belli Previews New Infinity Campaign Rules

There’s a new campaign book coming out for Infinity in the form of the Daedalus Fall campaign. Inside it, there’s a whole bunch of exciting things, including some new and updated rules. Corvus Belli gives us a look inside what’s changing so you can know about it ahead of time and not be caught off-guard….