Fantasy Flight Posts Quick-Start Guide to Cosmic Encounter 42nd Edition
The new edition of Cosmic Encounters will soon be making its way to tabletops. Many of you have played the game, but many others haven’t, and can use this new version as a jumping-on point to try out a real classic of the board game genre. To help players get started quickly, they’ve posted up a nice quick-start rules guide (in comic form) for you.
From the post:
The classic game of interstellar exploration, negotiation, and conflict finds new life in Cosmic Encounter 42nd Anniversary Edition! As spaceship zip between distant planets, you seek to lead your civilization to total cosmic dominance by establishing colonies on five planets in foreign systems. Now with new ships, aliens, and matchup customization options, your mission becomes more immerive than ever as you forge and break alliances, research advanced technologies, and use your unique skills to rise above your rivals and earn victory.
It’s a wacky and fast-paced race to the finish line, but you must still gather as much information as possible before the race begins to ensure that you are not left in the dust. Today, we’re pleased to help you prepare for your grand cosmic conquest with a look at the Quick-Start Guide for Cosmic Encounter 42nd Anniversary Edition—now available for pre-order at your local retailer or online through our website!