Dire Wolf Digital Taking Pre-orders for Game of Thrones: Oathbreaker Board Game

Who can you trust in Westeros?
Nobody, that’s who. That’s a trick question. We all know that literally nobody can be trusted any further than you can comfortably stab them with a poisoned dagger. But you can’t just run around stabbing people. You’ve gotta be subtle and sly about it. And that’s what you’ll be doing in Oathbreaker, a new board game coming from Dire Wolf Digital.

From the website:
Who do you trust?
If you sit on the Iron Throne, the wisest answer is “no one.”
Game of Thrones™: Oathbreaker is a game of deception and social deduction. One player assumes the role of King or Queen, while the others represent the great Lords and Ladies of the Houses of Westeros. Some are loyalists who want order in the realm. Others are conspirators, seeking to undermine the throne. And all of them have a secret agenda of their own. Who is truly loyal, and who is simply hungry for power, honor, and coin? It’s up to the King to figure it out before it’s too late.
Lavishly illustrated with photos from the hit HBO original series, Game of Thrones: Oathbreaker captures all of the intrigue and drama of Westeros in a game that’s fast, fun, and strategic. Play as any of 12 unique characters as you connive and scheme your way to victory!