Star Trek Adventures Releases New Standalone Adventure: “Diving Eight Layers Deep”
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Star Trek Adventures Releases New Standalone Adventure: “Diving Eight Layers Deep”

A new adventure in the world of Star Trek Adventures has been released and it promises to take players on a journey like no other. Titled “Eight Layers Deep,” the standalone adventure challenges players to explore the vast layers of quantum reality that exist beyond the traditional point A to point B travel that most…

Learn About The New Factions in Upcoming Fallout Tabletop RPG Campaign Book
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Learn About The New Factions in Upcoming Fallout Tabletop RPG Campaign Book

The highly-anticipated new Fallout tabletop RPG campaign book, Winter of Atom, will feature new factions that players can ally with or battle against. The new factions have been developed by Chelsea ‘Dot’ Steverson, and they add a unique and quirky feel to the game, reminiscent of Fallout 1 and 2. One of the new factions…

Homeworld: Fleet Command Board Game Up On Kickstarter
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Homeworld: Fleet Command Board Game Up On Kickstarter

Homeworld, the popular video game, is making its way to your gaming nights in a new format. Modiphius has launched a Kickstarter for Homeworld: Fleet Command. Head on through and check out the campaign now. From the campaign: The campaign’s up and over its funding goal with 26 days left to go. Source

Five Parsecs From Home: Freelancer’s Handbook Now Availabe From Modiphius
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Five Parsecs From Home: Freelancer’s Handbook Now Availabe From Modiphius

“More options!” It’s what every RPG-er wants. And if you’re a Five Parsecs from Home player, you’ll be happy to know that that’s exactly what’s available now. The new Freelancer’s Handbook is available now from Modiphius. From the website: As Unity extends its reach, diplomatic treaties allow for easy travel by members of minor alien…

Modiphius Previews Winter of Atom Campaign Book for Fallout RPG
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Modiphius Previews Winter of Atom Campaign Book for Fallout RPG

Modiphius has announced Winter of Atom, their first campaign book for the Fallout RPG. If you’re wanting to get just a little look inside of it, you can with this preview about what you can expect. From the website: It’s an incredibly exciting time to be a Fallout tabletop RPG fan, as we get closer…

Vampire Fledglings Available to Pre-order for The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms
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Vampire Fledglings Available to Pre-order for The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms

Earlier, we had the Dawnguard, who protected the world of the living from the undead. But what undead? Well, these Vampire Fledglings, for example. This new pack for The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms is available to pre-order from Modiphius now. From the website: The forces of Clan Volkihar grow. Three aspiring children of Sithis,…

Dawnguard Vampire Hunters Available to Pre-order for Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms
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Dawnguard Vampire Hunters Available to Pre-order for Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms

When the sun isn’t good enough to get rid of those pesky vampires, there’s the Dawnguard Vampire Hunters. You can get your name on the list to get these stalwart protectors as soon as they’re available. Modiphius has started taking pre-orders for this new set for The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms. From the website:…

Ironsworn: Starforged Sci-Fi RPG Available from Modiphius
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Ironsworn: Starforged Sci-Fi RPG Available from Modiphius

Been enjoying your games of Ironsword, but want to trade out the swords and sorcery for lasers and starships? Then Starforged is just what you’re looking for. It’s a stand-alone version of the rules you know but set in space. You can get your copies now from Modiphius. From the announcement: Swear an Iron Vow…

The Great Game: Houses of the Landsraad Supplement for Dune Available to Pre-order
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The Great Game: Houses of the Landsraad Supplement for Dune Available to Pre-order

Modiphius has the next of their Dune RPG books available to pre-order over on their website. It’s The Great Game: Houses of the Landsraad, and it brings players full knowledge of the Great Council leaders. You can head over and get your name on the list to get yours now. From the website: The Landsraad…

Bloatflies Now Available for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare
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Bloatflies Now Available for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare

Like, it’s annoying as hell when there’s a fly in your face and it just won’t go away. When that fly is as big as you are, it gets a little dicier. That’s what we have with the Bloatflies for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare. You can head over and pick up your own box set of…