A February Exclusive Mini from Games Workshop, this Warhammer figure showcases an armored warrior with a hood, mask, and bow. The spiked shoulder pads and metal-detailed belt add flair, while the base is adorned with small tufts of grass.
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Games Workshop Previews February Exclusive Mini and Coin

A new month is almost upon us. That means it’s time for a new miniature and coin for Games Workshop stores to stock up on. Get a look at February’s offerings in this preview. From the article: February is almost here, and a new Miniature of the Month is soon to be sent to Warhammer…

Illustration of a mythical creature resembling a muscular beast with spikes and claws, divided into numbered sections. The style is reminiscent of a vintage anatomical drawing. This serves as a guide for Gloomspites, with "Warhammer Community" displayed in the top right corner.
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Exploring the Gloomspites Gaping Globular Gobs: A Guide to Squigs of All Shapes and Sizes

A new guide has been released for fans of the Warhammer universe, focusing on the Gloomspites and their Squigs. Squigs come in all shapes and sizes, from the tiny Spite-Reckoner to the massive Great Gargantula. The guide provides an overview of the different types of Squigs, their abilities, and how they can be used in…

A promotional image for the LVO 2023, showcasing three detailed Warhammer miniatures from Games Workshop: a red armored mech, a robed figure with horns, and a skeletal warrior with a cape. Text reads "Preview" and "Online.
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Games Workshop Posts LVO Previews

Not out in Las Vegas for the Las Vegas Open? Well, you don’t have to miss out on all the previews that Games Workshop has going on out there. They’ve posted them up in one, convenient spot for you to check out. Have a look for yourself. From the article: Welcome to the Warhammer Preview…

In a preview of the latest Games Workshop fantasy tabletop game, warriors in ornate armor clash with Gloomspite Gitz and other monstrous creatures. The battle unfolds in a mystical forest setting, featuring large mushrooms and a misty atmosphere.
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Games Workshop Posts New Gloomspite Gitz Preview

Grotz. Gretchin. Gobbers. Gitz. Ambulatory Field Rations. These little fellas have been known by a lot of names over the years. They’re getting themselves a new battletome for Age of Sigmar this weekend, and Games Workshop has a bit of a preview of what you can expect in it. From the article: Grots of the…

A promotional image for Games Workshop's Las Vegas Open 2023 Online features logos for Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, The Horus Heresy, Warcry, Gnarlwood, and Kill Team on a dark green background with vibrant green splatter. Don't miss the exciting preview schedule!
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Games Workshop Posts Las Vegas Open Preview Schedule

One of the first shows of the year, the Las Vegas Open is just a couple days away and Games Workshop is going to be showing off plenty of new stuff there. Won’t be attending? That’s alright, you can still see what’s coming up with this schedule of previews. From the article: There are no…

Two Warhammer Age of Sigmar rulebooks titled "Gloomspite Gitz" and "Destruction Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz." These pre-releases from Games Workshop feature covers with fantasy creatures flaunting green skin and large yellow teeth amid a chaotic scene.
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Games Workshop Previews Next Week’s Pre-releases

The year of Chaos was last year, but this year’s turning out to be pretty chaotic as well. There’s a new Beasts of Chaos battletome and kits coming. And is there anything more chaotic than goblins? The Gloomspite Gitz are also getting a new battletome and kits. Plus, bugs for Necromunda. From the article: The…

A detailed tabletop scene features various Warhammer fantasy figures, including Da Bad Moon's Gloomspite Gitz. The setup showcases colorful, monstrous creatures and warriors poised to invade, surrounded by an elaborate terrain with mist and dark, rocky formations.
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Gloomspite Gitz Invade Under the Light of Da Bad Moon

The Gloomspite Gitz, a faction of chaotic and mischievous goblins, have been wreaking havoc in the Mortal Realms under the influence of the Bad Moon. This powerful celestial object has granted them new abilities and strength, allowing them to cause chaos and destruction wherever they go. The Gloomspite Gitz are now a force to be…

Map of the United States featuring colored markers for cities like Kansas City, Missouri; Tacoma, Washington; Tampa Bay, Florida; and Atlanta, Georgia. Each location is highlighted with a name and state label. Perfect for fans traveling to events like the US Open Series or World Championships.
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2023 US Open Series and World Championships of Warhammer Announced

The 2023 US Open Series and World Championships of Warhammer is set to be an exciting event for fans of the popular tabletop game. The series will feature a variety of tournaments, including the US Open, the World Championship Qualifier, and the World Championship itself. Participants will compete for prizes such as exclusive models, trophies,…

A warrior in Renaissance-style armor stands confidently, holding a large, wavy sword. His armor features skull motifs, a red feathered hat, and blue and white attire reminiscent of Old World battles from Warhammer. The plain background highlights his imposing figure.
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Games Workshop Posts Warhammer: Old World Design Diary

Age of Sigmar was a huge change to the fantasy game system that Games Workshop put out. But back in 2019, there were hints that the old version of Warhammer Fantasy Battles was in the works. Well, there hasn’t been much, but we’re getting a little design diary about the world that this new version…

A fantasy scene unfolds with armored warriors bearing beards and helmets, brandishing relics and weapons alongside a flickering torch. Set against a majestic castle under ominous skies, one warrior performs ancient rituals while riding a large, bird-like creature amidst smoke and clouds.

Religion, Relics, and Rituals: Exploring the Role of Faith in Sigmars Cities

The Warhammer Community website has released a preview of the upcoming book Dawnbringer, which focuses on the importance of religion, relics, and rituals to the cities of Sigmar. The book will explore the gods of the Mortal Realms, their followers, and the impact they have on the cities of Sigmar. It will also delve into…

Miniature figures from Warhammer and Games Workshop are displayed in a jungle-themed diorama. The scene features characters on wooden platforms and among trees, with vibrant details and colors. Various creatures and warriors, including some from the Jade Obelisk, are posed in dynamic stances.
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Games Workshop Previews Jade Obelisk for Warcry

The other half of the new Warcry box set, the side that’s not the dinosaurs, is the Jade Obelisk. What’s this enigmatic group’s history? What sort of special abilities do they have What do they bring to the table? That’s what we get a preview of in this article. From the article: The latest boxed…

A diorama featuring intricate fantasy miniatures engaged in a dynamic Warcry battle scene. The setting includes twisted trees and a variety of warriors and creatures, each with distinct armor and weapons, set against a vibrant orange and purple sky crafted by Games Workshop.
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Games Workshop Previews Hunters of Huanchi for Warcry

The new box set coming for Warcry includes one of my favorite factions: Lizardmen… well, as they were formerly called, anyway. They’re the Seraphon now. In this preview, we get a look at some of their forces with a preview of the Hunters of Huanchi. From the article: The cold-blooded guardians that watch over the…

A warrior in dark, ornate armor with large horns stands against a misty background. The scene, reminiscent of epic battles in Games Workshop previews, features a circular stamp on the right that reads "NEXT WEEK," surrounded by repeated "COMING SOON" text.
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Games Workshop Previews Next Week’s Pre-orders

Age of Sigmar gets itself some new boxes as well as the Ogor battletome. There’s a new book and miniatures for The Horus Heresy. Necromunda also gets a couple kits. And that’s just the beginning for next week’s pre-releases from Games Workshop. From the article: Next week is a busy time for pre-orders, with the…

A detailed miniature figure of Skullgrinder Herax, a muscular warrior with flaming hair, wearing spiked armor and holding a flaming mace. Skulls and bones lie at his feet on a textured base. "Warhammer Community" and "Games Workshop" are proudly displayed in the top right corner.
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Games Workshop Previews Skullgrinder Herax for Warhammer Underworlds

It’s not just 40k that’s getting the Khorne previews from Games Workshop. Warhammer Underworlds: Nethermaze is getting its own preview as well with a look at Skullgrinder Herax. Get a look at his mini and some of his cards in this preview. From the article: It’s 8/8, so it’s Khorne Day here on warhammer-community.com! If…

Image of several intricate miniature figures representing Dark Elf Witches in dynamic poses. This new release by Avatars of War showcases a multi-part regiment set, highlighting assembly examples with detailed armor and weapons.
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New Dark Elf Witches Available From Avatars of War

Avatars of War has a new Dark Elf Witches regiment available for you. And all you gotta do is sign up for their Patreon (and have a 3D printer. That’ll definitely help). You can head over, sign up, and get your new minis downloaded today. From the announcement: Available now on our Patreon is a…

Hexagon logo with the text "Season of War: Thondia." It features a fiery creature amidst dark, chaotic designs. Chains hang on the sides, suggesting a battle theme. Colors are predominantly dark with orange highlights, capturing Games Workshop's signature fantasy style.
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Games Workshop Previews Anvil of Apotheosis in Season of War: Thondia

The Anvil of Apotheosis lets you put together your own hero for your army in Age of Sigmar. This bit of rules from a previous General’s Handbook is coming back in the Season of War: Thondia book, available to pre-order now from Games Workshop. Want to know a bit more about it? Click through. From…

Warhammer update image featuring a collage of miniatures from Games Workshop. The top section shows an army of futuristic soldiers and vehicles. The bottom left displays Mech-like figures, while the bottom right depicts fantasy warriors in battle.
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Games Workshop Announces Price Hikes

Times have been tough for a couple years now. The price of everything is going up. I know my bills have been more expensive lately. Unfortunately, that’s going to move to my hobbies as well. Games Workshop has announced some price increases for some of their products. From the article: You can hardly pick up…

Promotional banner for "Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game," proudly showcasing Games Workshop logos from "The Hobbit: Motion Picture Trilogy" and "The Lord of the Rings." The background is adorned with ornate, medieval-style designs and elvish script, capturing the epic essence of Easterling Black Dragons.
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Games Workshop Previews Easterling Black Dragons for Middle-earth Strategy Battle Games

It’s Dragon Week over at Games Workshop. Seems like a pretty awesome week to have. And while this new set of figures for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game isn’t made up of dragons, they are the Easterling Black Dragons. Get a look at these figures in this preview. From the article: OK, so an Easterling…

Miniature figures of fantasy warriors in intricate armor, reminiscent of Lord of the Rings figures, wield swords and spears. Detailed shields and capes complete their look as they stand on small bases with moss-like textures, capturing the essence of Games Workshop's craftsmanship.
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Games Workshop Previews New Lord of the Rings Figures

Bard the Bowman is one of the key figures in Middle-earth. Now, his descendants are going to be making their way to your battlefields in the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. We get a preview of them today. From the website: In this instalment of the Middle-earth team’s The Road Goes Ever On and On series,…

A group of colorful, detailed fantasy miniatures from Games Workshop featuring anthropomorphic Seraphon reptiles with vibrant armor and weapons. They are posed dynamically on bases, showcasing a variety of stances and accessories reminiscent of Warhammer Underworlds.
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Games Workshop Previews Seraphon for Warhammer Underworlds

While I’m a greenskin through and through, there’s a lot of Lizardman (ok, Seraphon) love to be found as well. They’re my team in Blood Bowl and will soon be making their way to another Games Workshop side-game, Warhammer Underworlds. Get a look at the upcoming release in this preview. From the preview: Welcome to…

In a Games Workshop setting, a person in blue armor consults a scroll beside a giant helmeted octopus in a warehouse brimming with boxes. Several small flags flutter in the background, while bright lighting reveals shelves lined with items, heralding the webshop's reopening.
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Games Workshop Webshop Reopens For Remaining Countries

Back when Games Workshop was opening up their webshop again, Canada, The US, Australia, New Zealand, and Italy were left out. Well, the exclusion time is over. Games Workshop is opening up those countries for ordering today. If you’ve been waiting, that wait is over. You can go buy your figures today. From the announcement:…

Tabletop miniatures from Forge World's Necromunda are set in an industrial backdrop. Two characters in detailed armor, one with a red mohawk and the other wielding a staff, stand ready for action. Text reads, "Necromunda: Brains and Brawn. Order Now.
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New Necromunda and Middle-earth Figures Available to Pre-Order From Forge World

Two ends of the spectrum available to pre-order from Forge World this week. On one hand, you’ve got a pair of Necromunda figures, Apollus Kage & Krotus Hark, to add to your gangs. On the others, there’s two Middle-earth kits in the form of Ruffian Leaders and Will Whitfoot & Baldo Tulpenny. So, if you…

A detailed tabletop miniature battlefield scene with two opposing armies from Soul Wars. On the left, brightly colored figures in vibrant uniforms wield weapons. On the right, ghostly spectral figures emerge from a gothic, eerie, and crumbling fortress. The terrain is scattered with debris and grave markers.
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A Look Inside the Soul Wars Starter Box For Age of Sigmar

Continuing with the New Edition Train, we’ve got Age of Sigmar from Games Workshop. Their fantasy miniatures game has a new edition coming out very, very soon (in just about a month). As one would expect, that’s including a new starter set. In this case, it’s called Soul Wars. In this preview, we get a…