Evolved – Superhero TTRPG Unleashes Time-Bending Adventures in Kickstarter Campaign

The recent Kickstarter campaign for “Evolved – Superhero TTRPG” has exceeded expectations, securing $24,290 in pledges, well surpassing its initial $13,000 goal. With 269 backers and 15 days left in the campaign, this third-party Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC) RPG, powered by Goodman Games, is set to offer an engaging and expansive gaming experience.
“Evolved” presents a self-contained tabletop roleplaying game that unfolds in both the modern day and a dystopian future shaped by time travel, robots, mutations, and more. The narrative unfolds in the “Dark Fracture” world, where time travel has left an enduring impact, leading to a dark and foreboding future known as the year 2051.

The game revolves around the Evolved, individuals whose exposure to chronal energies during time travel triggered an evolution leap. Some acquired potent abilities, while others endured abnormal physical deformities. Players navigate the consequences of this temporal chaos, caught between the modern era of 2026 and the apocalyptic landscape of 2051.
The Kickstarter page introduces players to the world through “Tears in Time: A Dark Fracture World Primer,” offering a vivid portrayal of a world transformed by war, strife, and the rise of super-beings. The game explores the repercussions of time travel, including the unintended creation of powerful entities and the struggle for survival amidst chaos.

While “Evolved” introduces innovative additions to the DCC RPG ruleset, it retains the cherished features of Dungeon Crawl Classics, such as Luck, critical hit tables, Mighty Deeds of Arms, and more. The core book, estimated at 600+ pages, promises high-quality paper, printing, and binding, maintaining the standards of Goodman Games.