Dvergar Warriors Faction for Ragnarok: Age of Wolves Now Available

Skirmisher Publishing has created a new faction for Ragnarok: Age of Wolves. They’re the Dvergar Warriors, a set of magical dwarves that inhabit the Northlands. The rules include several named characters, commanders, cavalry, and various common warrior units, along with different equipment you can use to outfit your crew. You can pick up the new book now.
From the release:
“Dvergar Warriors” is a supplement for the Ragnarok: Age of Wolvesminiatures wargame devoted to the Dwarves of the Mythic North that includes seven sets of creature statistics that can be used together to form a complete new faction for the game or in conjunction with those for any other warriors and any sorts of scenarios. They include three named characters, among them those for a chieftain and two of his lieutenants, or thegns, including a wizard and a cavalryman with a magical axe; three different sorts of common warriors, or carls; and a large War-Goat. It also includes backstories for the various characters and for their place in a Dvergar holding called the Yttrsholm; a profile for the Dvergar race; stats for a new weapon, the Dverg-Bow; and a new spell.
This book is supported by a set of “Dwarf Soldiery Cardstock CharactersTM”” miniatures that contains three variations on five different figures and a set of “Dwarves: Tokens & Avatars for Virtual Tabletops.” Contents of both of these sets correspond to the stats provided in this book and can be used with Ragnarok: Age of Wolves or any other tabletop or roleplaying games.
Ragnarok: Age of Wolves is a skirmish-level game for novice and experienced tabletop players alike that emulates desperate small-scale actions during the unending winter that is the first stage of the Viking Apocalypse.