Adepticon 2020 Cancelled

Unfortunately, that featured image is a lie. Adepticon XVIII will not be held March 25-29th in Schaumburg. The show has been cancelled. Because of the virus outbreak happening, the convention staff felt that it was in everyone’s best interest to cancell the show. I mean, we’ve all gotten Con Crud after a show before. But this is stepping it up a notch. It’s a tough decision to make, and I’m sad to see it come to this, but it’s what’s right and I salute them for making the right, tough choice.
From the post:
Since the very first AdeptiCon, held eighteen years ago, we’ve made it clear that the highest priority, in any consideration, would always be the attendees. Over the years, we have done our best to be loyal to this principle. With our incredible staff, volunteers, organizers, and instructors, AdeptiCon has been proud to host our annual hobby celebration with a continued emphasis on creating an amazing experience for our attendees. It is with that priority in mind that we have decided, after many hours of internal conversation and consultation with the venue, hotels, and various local authorities, that the health and well-being of our attendees and the public must come first. While we continued planning and did everything in our power to see AdeptiCon run as normal, we are now following both government guidance and our own judgement concerning the COVID-19 virus in cancelling the 2020 convention scheduled for March 25th-29th.
We understand that this will impact all of you. It also impacts our exhibitors, staff, the venue, and the local community. It is not a decision we have made lightly; it is a decision based entirely on keeping people safe and healthy. It goes without saying that no one is more heartbroken about this situation than the AdeptiCon team. We look forward to seeing all of you every year, sharing our love of the hobby and revisiting friendships cultivated over years of the convention.