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Travel Back to the 1980s with “80’s Adventures”: A Retro 5E Supplement & Adventure Module – On Kickstarter Now

Dice Dungeons has launched a Kickstarter campaign for “80’s Adventures,” a supplement for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons, drawing inspiration from everyone’s favorite decade, the 1980s. 80’s Adventure introduces a series of new subclasses, magic items, and spells that capture the spirit of the decade.

Each class receives a new subclass that mirrors an iconic 1980s archetype, such as the Ghost Hunter Ranger, the Way of the Crane Monk, and the Relic Hunter Rogue.

In addition to character options, the project includes an assortment of magic items and spells that reflect the theme. Notable items include the Jacket of Membership and the Fanny Pack of Holding, alongside spells like “All night,” which conjures a night of revelry, and “Pressure,” which allows manipulation of physical structures.

The campaign also features five cinematic modules that draw inspiration from 1980s film genres, from horror to comedy. These modules, like “Curse of Garnet Lake” and “Caretaker’s Descent,” offer diverse adventures and are accompanied by detailed illustrations.

Game Masters will find new resources to help build immersive worlds and campaigns. The book provides pre-made locations and a collection of monsters inspired by 1980s cinema.

The Kickstarter campaign has reached $116,996 in pledges, exceeding its initial goal of $10,000, with the backing of 1,199 supporters. The campaign is set to conclude in 10 days on August 29.