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Mantic Looks Inside their Dungeon Adventures Line

A fantastical dragon sculpture with outstretched wings stands in a ruined landscape, reminiscent of epic Dungeon Adventures. It's illuminated by dramatic blue and purple lighting, surrounded by broken stone structures and rugged terrain.

Even with all the OGL stuff going on, companies are still moving along with their products based on it. One such is the Dungeon Adventures line from Mantic Games. We get a look inside of them in this article.

From the article:

Bring your RPG Games to life with the first wave of the Dungeon Adventures range! All you have to do is bring your own heroes as we have done everything else for you!

Pre-assembled scenery? Check

Two sided quest maps? Check

Adventure books containing everything you need such as the story and minion stats? Check

A range of baddies, goodies and even a dragon? Check
