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Mantic Games Details New Abyssal Forces Units: Berserkers, Nagarri, and Lord of Lies

A fantasy game card featuring the "Lord of Lies" from the Abyssal Forces. The card shows stats like Speed 10, Defense 3, and spells like Fireball (10). An illustration of a red-horned creature wielding a fiery sword is on the right.

In anticipation of Mantic Games’ upcoming Kings of War expansion, a series of detailed previews have been released for the new additions to the Forces of the Abyss. This week, the focus was on three key units: Abyssal Berserkers, Abyssal Nagarri, and the Lord of Lies.

Abyssal Berserkers

The Abyssal Berserkers are a new Large Infantry unit designed to add speed and offensive power to the Abyssal forces. These fast-moving units can quickly traverse the battlefield, targeting weaker enemy units with their multiple attacks. Though somewhat fragile, they have a chance to regenerate on a 5+, allowing them to recover some damage before engaging in combat.

Abyssal Nagarri

The Abyssal Nagarri is a chariot-sized unit that stands out for its ability to enhance the regenerative capabilities of nearby units. The Nagarri’s aura effect increases regeneration rolls by +1, making it a valuable support unit, particularly for lower Abyssal hordes, which can benefit from increased survivability in prolonged engagements.

The Lord of Lies

The Lord of Lies, a centerpiece model, offers a range of tactical abilities, primarily through its Seeds of Distrust special rule. This ability prevents nearby enemy units from gaining bonuses from aura effects, disrupting enemy plans and forcing them to reconsider their strategies.

Pre-orders are open, with shipping scheduled to begin on September 23rd.