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Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Kit Now Available

In this epic fantasy scene, a hero confronts a formidable white dragon, wielding a staff radiating green magical energy. The "Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Kit" is prominently displayed on the left, signaling that the adventure is now available for all brave souls.

With the golden age of gaming we’ve got going on right now, more people than ever are joining the nerdy masses. Many of them are looking to try some of the classic games they’ve heard of for so long, including Dungeons & Dragons. But where can they get everything they need to get playing? That’d be the Essentials Kit, just released from Wizards of the coast. It’s even got a 1-on-1 variant, essentially making it a 2-player starter set for D&D.

From the website:

Everything you need to create characters and play the new adventures in this introduction to the world’s greatest roleplaying game.

Dungeons & Dragons is a cooperative storytelling game that harnesses your imagination and invites you to explore a fantastic world of adventure, where heroes battle monsters, find treasures, and overcome quests. The D&D Essentials Kit is a new introductory product meant to bring D&D to audiences interested in jumping into a fantasy story.

This box contains the essentials you need to run a D&D game with one Dungeon Master and one to five adventurers. A newly designed rulebook on-boards players by teaching them how to make characters, and the included adventure, Dragon of Icespire Peak, introduces a new 1-on-1 rules variant.
