Valda’s Spire of Secrets RPG Supplement Up On Kickstarter
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Valda’s Spire of Secrets RPG Supplement Up On Kickstarter

“More Options!” It’s the cry of every gamer and DM out there. If you’re looking to bring a whole host of new options to your games, you’ll want to check out Valda’s Spire of Secrets. It’s a new 5th Edition D&D supplement that’s up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: If you play DnD 5E,…

Carbon Grey Dieselpunk RPG Up On Kickstarter
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Carbon Grey Dieselpunk RPG Up On Kickstarter

A venerable game is getting a new life. Carbon Grey is up on Kickstarter. The game still uses the same D6 system, but the mechanics have been upgraded in light of all the changes in gaming since its original release. Head on over and check out the campaign now. From the campaign: Bringing the celebrated,…

The Lost Code Board Game Up On Kickstarter
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The Lost Code Board Game Up On Kickstarter

An ancient temple filled with relics that should be in a museum. That’s where you find yourself in The Lost Code, a new board game up on Kickstarter. However, the builders wanted the artifacts to stay where they are and so have created traps for unaware adventurers. Will you figure out the code and escape…

Knight Models Announces Batman: Escape from Arkham Asylum Board Game
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Knight Models Announces Batman: Escape from Arkham Asylum Board Game

The inmates aren’t running the asylum. They’re breaking out of it. And it’s not up to you, as Batman, to gather them back up again. No. It’s up to you, as the inmates, to get the hell out of there as fast as you can! That’s the goal in Batman: Escape from Arkham Asylum, a…

Alkander’s Almanac of All Things RPG Supplement Up On Kickstarter
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Alkander’s Almanac of All Things RPG Supplement Up On Kickstarter

No two games of D&D are entirely the same. Every group does things just a touch differently. And if you’re looking to tweak up your game a little, you might want to check out Alkander’s Almanac of All Things. It’s got a bunch of suggested rules changes and suggestions to make your game closer to…

GURPS 2021 PDF Challenge Up On Kickstarter
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GURPS 2021 PDF Challenge Up On Kickstarter

Steve Jackson Games is always looking to get you more game for your buck. And they’re looking to bring you a ton of GURPS content all in one swift go. They’re running their 2021 PDF Challenge up on Kickstarter. Head over and have yourselves a look. From the campaign: After the success of the 2020…

The Drowned War Sci-Fi RPG Up On Kickstarter
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The Drowned War Sci-Fi RPG Up On Kickstarter

Under the sea. Under the sea. *dodges even more thrown items* Yes, it’s another underwater RPG book for you. Though this one’s very different than the previous. It’s The Drowned War, a sci-fi setting for the Savage Worlds system that takes you beneath the waves into a world of crushing pressure, dangerous monsters, and deep…

Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth Box Set Up On Kickstarter
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Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth Box Set Up On Kickstarter

Dungeon Crawl Classics brings that nostalgic feel of old-school RPGs to your tabletops. Dying Earth, a new box set for the game, is up on Kickstarter. It contains three books, a map for your game, and plenty of extras as well. Head on over and check out the campaign. From the campaign: The campaign’s more…

Heroes of Barcadia Party Game Up On Kickstarter
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Heroes of Barcadia Party Game Up On Kickstarter

Seems like a good story to close out the week with. If you’re planning on getting together with friends, I’m guessing games will probably on the table. Drinks also might be on the table. Put them together and you get party drinking games. And Heroes of Barcadia is looking to be the next one for…