Two New Dinosaur-based Games Coming to Kickstarter This Month From Pandasaurus
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Two New Dinosaur-based Games Coming to Kickstarter This Month From Pandasaurus

Like most kids, I had a fascination with dinosaurs. I even wanted to be a paleontologist when I grew up. That love of dinosaurs has never left and I’m sure many of you feel it, too. So, seeing two new dinosaur-themed games coming from Pandasaurs gets me excited. They’re Dinosaur World and Dinosaur Island: Rawr…

Into the Unknown Solo RPG Adventure Up On Kickstarter
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Into the Unknown Solo RPG Adventure Up On Kickstarter

I’ve been playing D&D most weekends for quite some time now. That’s how often my two groups meet up. Of course, there’s still some weekends where everyone’s busy, and so that means no gaming, right? Well, if I had Into the Unknown, a new multi-system solo RPG adventure that’s up on Kickstarter now, I would…

Tian Shang: Lone Wolf Fists RPG Up On Kickstarter
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Tian Shang: Lone Wolf Fists RPG Up On Kickstarter

In the dark, post apocalyptic world, there’s only My Fists! *punch, punch, punch!* Tian Shang, Lone Wolf Fists is a new sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, martial arts RPG that’s up on Kickstarter now. Yes, all those descriptors for just the one game. From the campaign: The campaign’s up and running now and is set to go for…

Shadows of Esteren Art Book Up On Kickstarter
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Shadows of Esteren Art Book Up On Kickstarter

Can you believe that Shadows of Esteren is already 8 years old?*snifflesniffle* They grow up so fast! Well, there was going to be all sorts of celebrations at different conventions, but that’s not looking so likely. So, instead, they’re headed to Kickstarter to get you some RPG rewards like all their books. They’re also funding…

Incarnis Creation Myth RPG Up On Kickstarter
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Incarnis Creation Myth RPG Up On Kickstarter

In most RPGs, the gods are already set as part of the campaign setting and you merely get to play the heroes that roam around in the world that they’ve created. In Incarnis, you get to play as those gods and part of what you’re doing is you’re creating that world that the heroes will…

Looney Labs Launches Pyramid Quartet Kickstarter
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Looney Labs Launches Pyramid Quartet Kickstarter

Looney Labs are masters at making quick, little, fun games that can fit in your pocket. They tend to take simple mechanics and pieces and turn them into something greater. Well, they’re looking to expand their game line by four new sets. As such, they’ve launched their Pyramid Quartet Kickstarter campaign. From the campaign: Pyramid…

H. H. Holmes’ Murder Castle Board Game Up On Kickstarter
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H. H. Holmes’ Murder Castle Board Game Up On Kickstarter

Well, it’s an inventive name. I’ll definitely give it that. It has me intrigued. And looking over the gameplay, it’s certainly not something you see everyday. A maniac has built a murder castle. You helped him do so. Now, you find yourself in said murder castle trying to find evidence to clear your name as…