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CMON Announces Zombicide: Night of the Living Dead

Promotional image for "Night of the Living Dead: A Zombicide Game" by CMON, showcasing bold red and white text on a dark backdrop with a shadowy, eerie figure lurking on the right side.

CMON might’ve just wrapped up funding on the 2nd edition of Zombicide, but that’s not the end of the Zombicide news. You might remember a while ago that they announced a Night of the Living Dead version of the game. That disappeared for a while, but you can’t keep a dead body down. It’s back and it will be the company’s next Kickstarter campaign.

YouTube video

From the announcement:

When George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead hit cinema screens, it changed the horror movie industry forever. When Zombicide hit gamer’s tables, it changed cooperative board gaming forever.

Now, these two titans of the undead are teaming up.

Zombicide: Night of the Living Dead is our next Kickstarter campaign – stay tuned to our channels for more information!
