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Chaos and Magic RPG Up On Kickstarter

A whimsical, colorful illustration titled "Chaos & Magic" brims with RPG charm. It showcases a tiny creature with a staff, a furry purple being with big eyes, and a caped figure wielding a potion, all set in a lush mystical forest as captivating as any Kickstarter fantasy.

Well, right off the bat, this is some of the most adorable artwork I’ve seen for a game in quite some time. Chaos and Magic is a new RPG that uses its own rules system to let you explore a realm of… well… chaos and magic. This original RPG system is up on Kickstarter now.

From the campaign:

Chaos and Magic is a Tabletop Role-Playing Game inspired in games like Dungeons and Dragons, Divinity Original Sin II and World of Warcraft.

The campaign is up and running now with 38 days left to go.
