Speed Freeks Available To Order From Games Workshop
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Speed Freeks Available To Order From Games Workshop

Red ones go fasta. Deep down inside, I’m a greenskin at heart. So it being Orktober over at Games Workshop has me all manner of excited. And a major reason for that is Speed Freeks, You can go order your copies now. Maybe GW will color the shipping boxes red so they’ll get to your…

Wrath & Glory Warhammer 40,000 Role Playing Game Available For Pre-order
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Wrath & Glory Warhammer 40,000 Role Playing Game Available For Pre-order

In the grim dark of the 41st millennium, there is only war…This we know, and many of you get out your armies weekly and fight for supremacy on the battlefields all across the Imperium and beyond. But soon, you’ll have another way to fight, on the RPG tabletop. Ulisses North America has started taking pre-orders…

Nagual Meso-American Giant Robot RPG Up On Kickstarter
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Nagual Meso-American Giant Robot RPG Up On Kickstarter

I love when I see a new twist on a theme. We’ve seen giant robots before. We’ve seen alien invasions before. But normally, that sort of stuff is focused on Japan. Well, in the case of Nagual, it’s Meso-America that’s got the giant robots that are fighting off the evil, invading aliens. You can check…

New Character Sheets Available For Star Trek: Adventures RPG From Modiphius
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New Character Sheets Available For Star Trek: Adventures RPG From Modiphius

The Star Trek series’ main elements are the original series and The Next Generation. Sure, there’s been dozens of spin-offs and expansions from those, but those two ship crews are the ones we mostly think about when we think about the franchise. If you’re interested in bringing those to your games of Star Trek: Adventures,…