Turmoil Expansion for Terraforming Mars Up On Kickstarter
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Turmoil Expansion for Terraforming Mars Up On Kickstarter

Stronghold Games is looking to bring you the fifth expansion for Terraforming Mars. And they didn’t just want to add a couple new cards or some new cubes. Nope, it’s a whole huge expansion for Turmoil. Go to a new section of the planet entirely and deal with new corporations, projects, and global events. Yes,…

Days of Wonder Announces Ticket to Ride: London
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Days of Wonder Announces Ticket to Ride: London

Far-out. Groovy. Let’s head on down to the disco, daddio. And other mostly-inaccurate slang terms. Days of Wonder has announced a new Ticket to Ride game. This time, it’s London in the 1970s. Instead of trains, players will be looking to create routes of the famous double-decker busses to the most iconic locations around town….

Leder Games Announces Root: The Underworld Kickstarter

Leder Games Announces Root: The Underworld Kickstarter

A new expansion is coming for Leder Games’ Root: A Woodland Game of Might and Right. It’s called The Underworld and it’ll bring in two new factions to the game (the Crows and the Moles), as well as two unique maps, each with their own special rules. The Kickstarter campaign for the expansion will start…

Fantasy Flight Games Announces Star Wars: Outer Rim Board Game
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Fantasy Flight Games Announces Star Wars: Outer Rim Board Game

Out on the fringes of the galaxy lies the Outer Rim. Most people think that it’s nothing but a hive of scum and villainy… and they’re right! But it’s your hive of scum and villainy, and you’re going to become the scummiest scum and most villainous villain that you can, all while operating out on…

Z-Man Games Announces The Norwegians Expansion for A Feast for Odin

Z-Man Games Announces The Norwegians Expansion for A Feast for Odin

Everyone loves A Feast for Odin. I mean, who doesn’t like a good viking feast? Nobody, that’s who. And now, the neighbors have heard about it, and they’re wanting to join in as well. Z-Man Games has announced The Norwegians, the first ever expansion for the game. From the website: In the realms of crafting,…

Tsuro: Rising Phoenix Up On Kickstarter
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Tsuro: Rising Phoenix Up On Kickstarter

I really enjoy Tsuro from Calliope Games. It’s that type of abstract strategy game that I just adore. Well, a new version is up on Kickstarter now in honor of Calliope’s 10th Anniversary. It’s Tsuro: Rising Phoenix, and it adds in new concepts like diagonal movement, a molded board, and the ability to rise again…

Funforge Running Monumental Board Game Kickstarter
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Funforge Running Monumental Board Game Kickstarter

Funforge is running a Monumental Kickstarter campaign. That describes both the name of the game as well as is an accurate description of what the game encompasses. It’s not just your standard 4x civilization board game, but it also brings in deck-building mechanics as well. If there’s a mechanic you like in those types of…

Z-Man Games Announces Pandemic: Fall of Rome

Z-Man Games Announces Pandemic: Fall of Rome

If you’re so goth, where were you when we ransacked Rome? A rather silly question, to be sure (you were hanging out in the Collosseum, petting the lions), but it’s one that you can live out in the new version of Pandemic that Z-Man Games has announced. Barbarian hordes are gathering outside the walls and…

Pantone The Card Game Releasing Tomorrow

Pantone The Card Game Releasing Tomorrow

Cryptozoic is bringing the vibrant world of Pantone colors to your tabletops with Pantone: The Game. In it, players are trying to correctly guess a character simply based on the colors associated with them. From the announcement: Cryptozoic Entertainment, leading creator of board games, trading cards, and physical and digital collectibles, today announced the August…

Nexus Arena Combat Board Game Up On Kickstarter
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Nexus Arena Combat Board Game Up On Kickstarter

Two warriors enter. One warrior leaves… … maybe. In Nexus, two gladiators are locked in life-or-death combat. However, it’s not just some sandy pit they’ve been tossed into. This arena is alive and it’s not going to make things easy for either combatant. With traps, snares, pits, and all manner of horrific things that can…